On every post or page on this blog I will take responsibility for my words, if you feel offended, dont read it.
One of the main believes to adopt in order to heal your life, is a believe in the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness frees up the energy necessary for healing. Letting go of, for helping you see the present life. “However, there is a curious quirk within the human mind whereby sometimes an individual will not forgive himself”..... and that individual is me.

Don't be afraid to distance yourself from everyone and everything and recoup. Sort out your thoughts. Listen to your heart. Breath. Read a book. Write about how much your life has shucked, then write about how much you can't wait to see the positive changes. Relearn yourself. Accept all the hurt you've been through. Forgive anyone and everyone who's hurt you. Even if it means doing it within, and never physically or verbally reaching out. Let go and juvenayr. Take a step away from the chaos, and find peace within.
God sal jou nie in die steek laat nie, maar mense sal. Maar laat hulle toe om menslik te wees en vergewe hulle wanneer hul jou teleurstel. Wees hul genadig soos jy hoop ander teenoor jou genadig sal wees. Wees stadig om te vererg en vinnig om te vergewe.(Translation needed)
Don’t be afraid to distance yourself from everyone and everything – and recoup. Sort out your thoughts. Listen to your heart. Breathe. Read a book. Write about how much your life has sucked – then write about how much you can’t wait to see the positive changes. Relearn yourself. Accept all the hurt you’ve been through. Forgive anyone and everyone who’s hurt you. Even if that means doing it within, and never physically or verbally reaching out. Let go and rejuvenate. Take a step away from the chaos, and find peace within
Can't get enough data on my project concerning this keyword forgiveness.
(second picture need to be fitted correctly)
Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company..
(Try it, it works for me)
You don't understand depression until you cant stand your own presence in an empty room
(need to go to different page).
(need to go to different page).
As you can see I am still struggling with this format.
Mind is capable of vengeance....not forgiveness.
We have received so much forgiveness. God expects that we must give so much back also.
God is above and beyond where mind and intellect cannot reach.
God is above and beyond where mind and intellect cannot reach.
I don't want everyone to like
me, I should think less of myself if some people did. The better you feel about
yourself, the less you feel the need to show off.
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